we train at the same gym (the fab live fitness centre) and have mutual friends. so when kelly and i got to meet properly and hang out at the movie premiere we hit it off (though i think kelly gets along with everyone!). and so i had the honour of photographing her and her boys. they actually live near where i grew up (well, one of my childhood homes!) so we went down to the river and some of my old stomping ground. i had the best time- these guys are a crack up and are so so welcoming. plus they’re a bunch of hotties which means it equals a whole lotta coolness!
youngest ford has asked me not to reveal his name. he is way too smart for a seven year old. and it turns out he has some serious posing abilities. here, he’s just a cutie:
but then he slowly revealed more and more…
but he’s still pretty cute, right?!
i asked master ford to pick his favourite shot- and this is it! we saw this move a few times during the shoot!
this was sposed to be a family session, so i don’t think kel thought i’d make her and matt get all cosy!
we were heckling them and they got all shy!
too easy with all the beautiful-ness!
ahh the serenity!
ooh ooh, love this one!
i am SO glad i got to spend some time with this beautiful family. they warmed my heart and made me smile. mwah! xo
i love these photos :)
lovely little family x